Arthrosis in the back

Spondylarthrosis is the official name for osteoarthritis in the back. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis in the back is not always preventable, but you can do a number of things yourself to limit it. Let's start at the beginning. Many of you will have heard family and friends complain of joint pain and general stiffness. It is part of a natural aging process, but you don't have to learn to live with it. The shock absorber of the joint is cartilage. When the cartilage acidifies the joint becomes less stable and the bones are not held together properly.

What can the chiropractor do against osteoarthritis and back degeneration?
The chiropractor can use various techniques to keep the spine flexible and optimize freedom of movement so that the patient experiences much less pain. You should see it as the maintenance of your spine. When your spine is getting older it needs a little more attention than before. The chiropractic treatment of osteoarthritis of the back keeps you flexible so you can move and function better. Also, drink enough water and keep moving to stay healthy in old age.

Back osteoarthritis

This is what it boils down to: Back osteoarthritis and wear on the back is often mentioned in the same breath. That is not crazy. Overloading the back can be responsible for the OA developing.  Heavy work, incorrect lifting and even an incorrect posture can cause osteoarthritis in the back.

Arthrosis in the neck

"My neck is worn out, and there is nothing we can do about it," one patient tells us. In a sense, this patient is correct.  Because the chiropractor cannot make this patient new again, there is not much to do about the osteoarthritis itself. But treatment can certainly ease the pain that the osteoarthritis causes in the neck.  Osteoarthritis in the neck often manifests itself through stiffness and pain. And often a combination of the two. Restriction of movement is often the result of osteoarthritis in the neck.  The chiropractor focuses on keeping it supple and mobile.

Patients responsibility
Staying active, drinking plenty of water, and visiting a chiropractor regularly can help prevent neck osteoarthritis from worsening.

Osteoarthritis in the hips

Our hips are literally the center of our body and they have to carry a lot. Osteoarthritis in the hips is very common. Not only in the elderly; young people are also already struggling with this.
One of the causes is being overweight and another can be heavy physical work. In the elderly, the cause is often the natural aging process that is underway. The cartilage of the joints of the hips is intended as a natural shock absorber.

Unfortunately, the cartilage often breaks down caused by acidification. The bones are no longer kept apart by the cartilage and the freedom of movement is reduced and so the patient experiences pain. Often the patient struggles to walk properly and looks for a solution.

Chiropractor helps against the pain
The chiropractor can help treat the osteoarthritis by optimizing the joint's freedom of movement. Unfortunately, no one can improve the resulting osteoarthritis, but chiropractic can help ease the pain it causes.

Arthrosis in the wrists

It is very difficult if patients have osteoarthritis in the wrists. We do so much with our hands, so this ailment limits us in our daily functioning. Osteoarthritis in the wrists can make them feel rough, especially in the morning. You must first warm up, so to speak. The cartilage has been changed by acidification, so the bones are under more pressure.he natural shock absorber of the body can no longer do its job due to the osteoarthritis. If the osteoarthritis develops further, the pain usually also increases. Exercising after a period of rest is usually also difficult. You must "get going".

Exercise and treatment
The chiropractor can help you by optimizing freedom of movement. Then the pain also decreases and the patient can function better.  Often the chiropractor also advises to do certain exercises that benefit the osteoarthritis in the wrists. So there is definitely something to do about the osteoarthritis in the wrists to improve your quality of life.

Osteoarthritis in the shoulders

"Do I have to live with this osteoarthritis?" the patient asks the chiropractor while he is on a consultation. Because osteoarthritis is a natural aging process, the patient sometimes mistakenly believes that he/she should learn to live with it. Nothing is further from the truth.
People with osteoarthritis often feel discomfort and pain and also describe it as stiffness and, for example, difficulty getting going in the morning. In addition, lying and sleeping is difficult for people with osteoarthritis in the shoulders. The pressure on the shoulders is then increased, so the patient has more pain.

Chiropractic treatments help
Cartilage is a type of shock absorber for the joints. If you have osteoarthritis in the shoulders, there is often acidification of the cartilage, so the joints are no longer well protected and you get arthrosis. The chiropractor helps the patient control the osteoarthritis by regular treatments for osteoarthritis in the shoulders. The joints are kept flexible and the freedom of movement is optimized, so the patient experiences less pain. Sometimes taking dietary supplements is recommended because the shoulder benefits from this. That way, the chiropractor can work with the patient on an old age without pain.

Osteoarthritis in the ankles or feet

Our ankles and feet have to endure a lot every day. After all, they take us from point A to point B and if you have osteoarthritis in the ankles and osteoarthritis in the feet, walking is not as easy as it used to be. The joints of the ankles are limited in freedom of movement by acidification of the cartilage. As a result, the "blows" are no longer properly absorbed and the natural shock absorber is reduced.

What can the chiropractor do for you?
Unfortunately, the patient is unable to do much more than eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, and exercise as much as possible outdoors. This requires outside help. The chiropractor will optimize the freedom of movement of the ankles and give exercises so that the patient can walk better again. It is often advisable to take additional supplements.