Shoulder pain and chiropractic

Shoulder pain is a common complaint and sometimes it can persist without knowing the cause. Daily functions can become difficult, and pain and discomfort are often the cause of a lack of sleep.

Complaints that can arise from shoulder pain are:

  • Tingling or numbness in arms and hands
  • Dizziness
  • RSI (mouse arm)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow

Function of the cervical vertebrae

The cervical vertebrae are the upper vertebrae of the spine. They are extremely flexible. An intervertebral disc lies between two successive vertebrae. This makes the vertebrae flexible with respect to each other and also serves as a shock absorber. The structure of the vertebrae is also important for this mobility. This allows the head to bend forward, back and sideways. The ability to turn the head is due to the numerous ligaments and muscles surrounding the cervical vertebrae that make the neck stable and mobile. The cervical vertebrae together form openings on both sides from which nerve roots emerge. These nerve roots originate in the spinal cord, which is directly connected to the brain. These nerves or "lines of communication in the body" transmit impulses to tissues, muscles and organs. An injury in the cervical vertebrae can impede the passage of these impulses to the brain and vice versa. At worst, the entire functioning of the spine and nerves can be disrupted.

Causes of shoulder pain

The cause of pain in the neck, shoulder and arm is often an irritated nerve. This nerve runs through the cervical vertebrae, over the shoulder to the arm. We distinguish between gradual and sudden causes:


  • Incorrect posture, for example by sitting in the same position behind a computer for hours on end.
  • Psychological and physical tension that make the muscles tighten and create a lot of  pressure on the vertebrae and nerves in the neck.
  • Osteoarthritis or wear of the vertebrae which can cause and the intervertebral disc spaces to narrow.


  • Forcing the spine by a sudden, strong pull on the neck, heavy lifting, a fall, a bad (sleeping) posture or by a twisting or pulling movements of the arm.
  • Car accident causing the “whiplash effect”.


The pain usually starts with a stiff feeling on one side of the neck. The intensity of the pain progresses depending on the severity of the problem. This progression will eventually turn into a constant pain that can radiate to the shoulder and arm. Pain in the neck, shoulder and arm is similar to a toothache and can be accompanied by sharp bursts of pain. The arm and fingers may tingle and feel numb as if they were “sleeping”. As the complaint worsens, the arm and fingers will lose strength. This makes it difficult to perform daily operations.

Shoulder bursitis usually results from an overload of the shoulder joint. Due to this overload, the “bursa” (the fluid sac helps lubrication of the joint) is put under heavy pressure. This will irritate it and cause it to become inflamed. This causes a lot of shoulder pain and therefore limits the freedom of movement of the shoulder joint. With these complaints, the chiropractor will perform a ultrasound examination and, if necessary, also apply shockwave therapy after the chiropractic treatment.

Frozen shoulder
As the name implies, this is a condition in which the freedom of movement of the shoulder is severely limited. For example, the patient has a lot of trouble putting on a jacket. A frozen shoulder is caused by long-term overloading of the shoulder joint. This will irritate the joint. In response, the muscle groups around the shoulder tighten and their movement is limited. If the muscle spasms continue for too long, the muscles can shorten, so that normal shoulder movement is no longer possible. Read more about frozen shoulder here. With these complaints, the chiropractor will perform a ultrasound examination and, if necessary, also apply shockwave therapy after the chiropractic treatment.


Chiropractic is a healthcare discipline that has been around for more than 100 years. Treatment focuses on disorders of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the relationship with the nervous system. A chiropractor checks the spine for dysfunction. Through a thorough examination and targeted treatment, the chiropractor locates and corrects this dysfunction. This restores the flow of nerves and allows the body to heal itself again.

The first visit

  • Intake                        
    A patient questionnaire is filled in followed by a discussion with the chiropractor in order to establish a thorough case history.
  • Examination              
    Chiropractic tests
    Neurological test
    Orthopaedic test
  • X-ray, MRI, IDXA, ultrasound        
    Whichever is indicated necessary|
  • Diagnosis                       
    Given by the Chiropractor
  • Treatment                      
    Nearly always already on the first visit

Treating shoulder pain / The chiropractic treatment

With specialist knowledge and skills, the chiropractor examines the spine and nervous system to locate unnatural movements and blockages. This results in the chiropractor understanding what the cause of the problem is. Chiropractic treatment usually improves pain in the neck, shoulder and arm. With corrective treatments, further damage to the intervertebral discs and nerves can be prevented. Chiropractic treatments aim to improve incorrect posture, increase spinal mobility and restore the function of irritated nerves. This is done by putting pressure on the joint with the hands. This restores the freedom of movement of the joint and reduces pain. The chiropractor can advise neck exercises to optimize and support freedom of movement.

Bursitis is usually the cause of an acute condition. Here, a cold compress is often used on the shoulder joint to counteract the inflammatory process. Chiropractic corrections restore the functionality of the joint. With these complaints, the chiropractor will perform an ultrasound examination and, if necessary, also apply shockwave therapy after the chiropractic treatment.

When treating a frozen shoulder, the chiropractor treats the specific muscle groups of the shoulder. Additionally stretching exercises can be advised to aid the tight muscles and restore freedom of movement. For these complaints, the chiropractot will perform an ultrasound examination and, if necessary, also apply shockwave therapy after the chiropractic treatment.If the desired treatment result is achieved, the chiropractor will advise to return regularly for maintenance treatments. Proper maintenance of the spine reduces the risk of recurrence and maintains optimal freedom of movement for the patient.

Pain prevention shoulder pain
  • Never sleep on the stomach. The neck muscles and cervical vertebrae are then put under pressure.
  • Do not sleep on a thick pillow. Preferably  use an orthopedic neck pillow.
  • Do not slouch. This increases the tension on the neck and shoulders.
  • Never watch television lying down. Reading in a lying position is also not recommended.
  • Pause regularly and change your posture.
  • Do not carry a heavy shoulder bag. Rather distribute the weight over both shoulders.
Pain relief shoulder pain
  • Avoid stress
  • Do neck exercises daily to optimize mobility.
  • In acute pain, put a cold compress on the neck. You do this several times (no longer than 10 minutes) at intervals of at least 2 hours.

Don't wait too long and have a chiropractor examine the cause. You can also make use of the free consultation hour on Friday from 4 - 4.30 pm without an appointment and all other days by appointment.