Free walk-in consultation hours
Reimbursed by insurance
No deductible
No referral needed
- Ultrasound and shockwave
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Open Saturday and evening
Reimbursement chiropractic by health insurance
More and more insurance companies reimburse chiropractic. Because the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments has been proven, almost all insurance policies reimburse (part of) the treatments in the Netherlands. Usually by various additional packages. Chiropractic falls under the category "alternative care" or "alternative medicine”. The premium you pay for this varies per insurer. Did you know that chiropractic is the most cost-effective treatment method, especially for back and neck complaints?
No deductible
An extra plus is that there is no compulsory deductible of € 385 for chiropractic! This mandatory and voluntary deductible only applies to care from the basic insurance and therefore not to reimbursements for chiropractic treatments. Chiropractic is not included in the basic insurance and is usually covered by the supplementary insurance.
Chiropractic reimbursement varies per insurance policy
Nearly all insurance companies have included chiropractic in their supplemental reimbursement package. However, because the reimbursement for the chiropractor varies greatly per insurance policy, we recommend that you check your policy. In case of uncertainty, contact your own insurance company, they can tell you more about the chiropractic reimbursement to which you are entitled.
Chiropractic usually does not require a referral
For treatments in our centers you (usually) do not need a referral. It has been established that no referral is required for the CZ-Groep and VGZ insurance policies. If there is uncertainty about this, please also contact your insurance company and
Chiropractor Fee 2021/2022 Make an appointment
- No referral needed
- No claim at your own risk
- Chiropractic reimbursement by almost all insurers
Get to know chiropractic for free
Every Friday between 4 and 4.30 pm without an appointment.
Would you first like to know what chiropractic can do for you? Then come to the free consultation hour without obligation. All other days and times are by appointment. During the introductory meeting you will discuss your complaints with the chiropractor. The chiropractor will then advise which chiropractic treatments may offer a solution to your problem.