Why choose us?
- very experienced chiropractors
- iDXA scan
- diagnostic ultrasound
- free spinal screenings
- free massage tables
- open evenings and weekends
Complaints we treat alphabetical order
The most famous complaints can be found in the left menu. Some of the other complaints are listed in the overview below, where additional explanatory texts can be found. Click on one of the topics, and the corresponding page will open.
Complaints we treat alphabetical order
Ankle pain
Arm pain radiating to the elbow, wrist or hand
Balance disorders
Bechterew (disease of)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Cervical complaints
Crying baby (colic)
Colic complaints (babies)
Degeneration of the spine
Foot complaints
Frozen shoulder
Golfers elbow
Growing pains in children
Groin pain
Heel spur
Hip degeneration
Hip and groin complaints
Jaw problems
Joint pain in limbs
Kiss syndrome
Knee complaints
Leg length difference (problems due to)
Leg pain
Lower back pain
Ménière's disease
Mouse arm
Neck degeneration
Neck pain
Numbness in arms and legs
Osgood Schlatter Syndrome
Ringing in the ears
Pelvic instability
Preferred posture in babies
Pregnancy complaints
Scheuermann (disease of)
Shoulder blades
Shoulder pain
Sports injuries
Sway back
Tennis elbow
Tingling in the hands and feet
TMJ - jaw problems
Walk-in hours
Every Friday you can drop by at any practice from 4 pm to 4.30 pm for a no-obligation and individual conversation with one of our chiropractors. You can submit your complaints and a free back and neck analysis will follow to determine whether chiropractic can mean something for you. Also possible by appointment.
Please contact one of our practices, we are happy to answer your question.
Walk-in hours
Every Friday you can drop by at any practice from 4 pm to 4.30 pm for a no-obligation and individual conversation with one of our chiropractors. You can submit your complaints and a free back and neck analysis will follow to determine whether chiropractic can mean something for you. Also possible by appointment.
Please contact one of our practices, we are happy to answer your question.